Harold Night BCAF Fraternity
Submitted by bcaf on Wed, 2012-09-05 16:47

I'm so excited for this year's Boston Comedy Arts Festival. The amount of great acts is ridiculous. I'm also happy to have the Harold Night All-Stars performing on Wednesday night at 8:30pm, as part of ImprovBoston's 30th Anniversary Celebration. Our cast is psyched to be part of such a great night celebrating some of the best shows ImprovBoston has had over the years.
Our Harold Night All-Stars cast:
- Natalie Baseman (Maxitor)
- Ken Breese (Birthday Milk)
- Pete Fenzel (Rich Uncle)
- Sasha Goldberg (Maxitor)
- Geoff Ross (Respectable Gentlemen)
- Ben Scurria (Rich Uncle)
- Ben Snitkoff (The Rack)
- Lori Strauss (Birthday Milk)
- Nils Vaule (Chapter 9)
And it's great to see some acts in this year's festival that we've had the pleasure of hosting at Harold Night over the years. Here are some of those teams that I suggest you make a point to see:
Bastards Inc. - Wednesday, 9:30pm
Four of my favorite improvisers and they just all happen to be on the same team. If you're new to the Boston improv scene and never got a chance to see them when they were ImprovBoston mainstays, do yourself a favor and catch them this year.
Casual Sex Offenders - Thursday, 9pm
I've been able to see them a handful of times over the past few years and they always impress me. They have a great balance and team dynamic. They're always having fun, which means I'm having fun too.
Magnet TourCo & North Coast - Friday, 10pm
You can't miss this 10pm show. Magnet TourCo is some of the best performers from the Magnet Theater in NYC. We have had a ton of acts from the Magnet Theater perform at Harold Night and they always bring their A game. There is so much talent at that theater. Junior Varsity, another great Magnet team, is also performing in this show. And then there's North Coast. Want to be impressed? Check out the freestyle rap longform improv from North Coast. They don't mess around, so be ready.
Brick & 10£ Ally - Saturday, 7:30pm
Brick is another team from the Magnet Theater that wowed me when they performed at Harold Night. And 10£ Ally is an impressive 3-person musical improv group from NYC. If you're a fan of musical improv, then be sure to catch them.
Kiss Punch Poem - Sunday, 7:30pm
Part improv show. Part poetry jam. All awesome. I absolutely loved this show! Take great improvisers and have them perform scenes inspired by rich poetry from impressive NYC poets. Then tie it all together at the end with an improvised poem inspired by everything you saw earlier in the show.
And that's just a small chunk of the shows from this weekend.
There's also other big acts like RISK! (Friday, 8pm), Two Man Movie (Saturday, 8pm), and sketch comedy from MURDERFIST (Saturday, 10pm).
Start resting up now so you can take in as much as you can! Enjoy the fest and keep an eye on ImprovBoston and Harold Night (normally Thursday nights at 8pm & 10pm) for great shows in the weeks and months after the festival ends.
Jeff Perry
Harold Night Producer