September 2013

Keeping it Fresh: the ROBO story

Few people command the stage like James Robilotta, founder of North Coast, New York's only freestyle rapping, beatboxing, long-form improv team. He graces festivals with his comedy, confidence & charm.

James started North Coast four and a half years ago. As he puts it, “hip hop and improv go together like sour cream and onion on potato chips - it’s a flavor punch for your face!”


My experiences with ImprovBoston probably sound pretty familiar to many – Memories of playing with Paul, Don, Deana, Bobby and Dave in Mainstage; playing with countless others on the Mainstage, on the Studio Stage and at the Brattle… Subsisting off pre-show dinners and post-show drinks at The Field; late night tacos followed by more drinks and laughter until the wee hours of the morning at Club Kenna; hauling my clothes down to the coin-op laundry on Broadway in Somerville on Sundays after having stuffed our faces at Kelly’s Diner…