Rick Andrews Boston Homecoming
Submitted by bcaf on Wed, 2012-09-05 19:17

It is always a thrill to be back in Boston.
I grew up here, learned how to do improv here, committed my first few felonies here, etc. Since I started doing improv back in IB's humble old Inman square digs, improv and comedy in Boston and around the country has exploded, and this festival is a testament to that explosion. Some of this country's best improvisers, instructors, and writers call Boston their home, and many of those folks will grace the stage this weekend. Most of the rest of the country's best are coming through town, too. You're lucky!
Here's what I'm going to be sure not to miss this weekend. Note: Narrowing things down was nearly impossible.
North Coast - Freestyle rapping and improv. You did read that correctly. North Coast is non-stop fun, as they wend their way through improvised scenes and improvised rap, complete with beat boxing, dance moves, and backing vocals. It's insane. No one has bigger energy than North Coast. No one has more swag than North Coast. And their secret? No one has more fun than North Coast. Can't miss.
Trike - There are few improvisers more talented than buds Peter McNerny and Nick Kanellis in Trike. And with the two of them together--yikes. Total support, fearlessness, and craft at all times, and you'll be doubled over. Come and watch two of the best who also happen to know exactly what the other person is thinking at all times.
IB Mainstage - Boston's best; I love how this show keeps evolving, it's got a different flavor every time I see it, and you never know what to expect, but you always walk away satisfied. A can't miss!
Two Man Movie - Another can't-mess-with-duo. Neil and Anthony never miss a beat as the move through "The Movie" form; a show where they improvise a complete movie, from the characters, story, camera moves and fades, etc etc from start to finish. They also happen to be two of the funniest dudes around. Guaranteed to be better than 95% of actual movies.
Kiss Punch Poem - I'm lucky to get to watch this show a lot and it still blows me away. Improvisers and poets come together to create a unique once-in-a lifetime show. The improvisers play off the poets, and the poets play off the improvisers. I love seeing hilarious scenes come from truly heartfelt or even sad moments in the poems, and I love seeing the whole thing wrapped up at the end by the always amazing final poem.
Rick Andrews
Magnet Theater (TourCo)
New York, NY