Hot off the PR
Submitted by bcaf on Thu, 2012-09-06 12:04

As a freelance publicist, I get to represent a lot of things from heady experimental pieces, to dance, to musical theatre and much more. One my biggest joys is getting to do PR for events like the Boston Comedy Arts Festival. There is nothing more thrilling than promoting a event that gets people out of their houses for an evening to laugh. I have been working in comedy PR for over four years and festivals are one of the aspects of my comedy work that I truly love. (Who wouldn’t? I get to correspond with a lot of funny people, REALLY FUNNY PEOPLE, from all over the country, A LOT).
This year, it has been a thrill to see the Boston area pick up on how great this year’s Fest truly is.
Did you see that cover of the Boston Globe’s Entertainment section?
Check out the BCAF Press Roundup:
Boston Comedy Arts Festival takes a ‘Risk!
Boston Globe Picks for BCAF
Weekly Dig’s Festival Picks
Boston Magazine Preview
My personal BCAF picks:
Last year the two sets I walked away from the festival remembering most were North Coast (Friday Night, Brattle Theatre, 10pm), and MURDERFIST (Saturday Night, Brattle Theatre, 10pm).
NorthCoast is a thrill to watch. They create a hip-hopera right before your eyes. They have impeccable timing and their shows are hilarious. The pace they create at is incredible to watch. They are on a bill with Junior Varsity and the Magnet Theatre Tour Co. Both are two incredible improv teams from New York City, you won’t be disappointed.
MURDERFIST is raw, dark, weird (sometimes), and utterly hilarious. Their scenes come at you at a blistering pace. Just when you think they can’t go any further, they do. They are sharing a bill with ImprovBoston Mainstage who already blew the roof of their home stage Wednesday night with their hilarious, free-form, organic scenes. You don’t want to miss this bill.
I also highly recommend MISTER DIPLOMAT (Friday, ImprovBoston Main Theater, 10:30pm). This will mark the first time DSI Comedy Theater’s all-star MISTER DIPLOMAT team performs with the Boston cast. During this show, a special celebrity guest tells stories that the performers use to create hilarious scenes. Every performance I have seen of MISTER DIPLOMAT has always been thrilling to watch.
There are a lot more shows I could recommend, but I finish with this, have you bought tickets yet? You don’t want to miss it.
Carrie Gorn
Perpetual Motion PR
Freelance Publicist