Toronto, Chicago, NYC, LA

Eventbrite - BCAF SAT 1030PM Studio Theater

losdosdudes take improv to a whole different level. It comes from a gritty take-no-prisoners attitude, iron-clad trust, and an unflinching resolve to stretch funny in ways audiences have never seen before.

losdosdudes dive into every show with a gutsy emotionally-driven approach to exploring the odd angles, strange shapes, and shadowy forms characters and relationships take on. So, expect that at some point, shit's probably gonna get weird.

Darcy & Bingley revel in grounded absurdity, like a robot struggling with a long distance relationship. Chris and Rob appear unstuck from time, speaking in an elevated dialogue that harkens an audience to a world all its own. They provide high octane gentlemanship with equal measures of emotion and frivolity and an infectious thirst for both tea and adventure. Each performance is akin to a rollercoaster, and like the good houseguests they are, will leave you regaled with stories from the colonies and sorry that they must bid you adieu.

Coached by David Razowsky, Virginia Slims is Laura Eichhorn and Pepper Berry, a two person long form slow-play improv comedy team that takes a single suggestion from the audience and uses it to perform a one act play at times playing multiple characters within the story.



Darcy & Bingley, 

Virginia Slims

Show information coming soon.